early JBoss times

I recently stumbled into a blog posting from a good friend of mine from my days at JBoss, Burr Sutter who is in product management @ JBoss/Red Hat still. I first met Burr when he joined the Systems Engineering team in 2006 while I was @ JBoss doing pre-sales stuff. Shortly thereafter I left to join the JBoss ESB project, and Burr moved into the product management/evangelist role he currently still holds. Burr is one of those incredibly talented and passionate guys who really has a great presentation style that captivates and educates all at the same time.

His blog provides a very interesting, and little known history into how (E)JBoss came to be presented the first time to a group of developers. It makes for a good read: http://burrsutter.blogspot.com/2007/07/beginning.html



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